Happy New Year!

Eye Round Steak

Eye Round Steak

2 small steaks/pkg, <1 lb.

An eye of a round steak is a small round, boneless beef steak. It is often overlooked by beef fans, which is unfortunate as it is also one of the tastier cuts of beef, and is often referred to as the poor man's filet mignon. Use it for braising, stir-fries, fried steak, pressure cooking, etc.

The steak is essentially a slice from an eye of a round roast. It will generally have a layer of fat on two sides but very little if any marbling throughout the meat.

Leave the fat on for cooking; it will help keep it from drying too much.

Generally, low and slow cooking methods are recommended, but if you want to try something new, cut into thin, narrow strips and use for stir-fry, or pound thinly, then bread, either pan-fry or deep-fry. If you have an Instapot, you can also do pressure cooking. Just add a cup of liquid into it and put it on high for 15 minutes.

Each package has two little steak filets and weighs a total of .5-1 pound.

As with all the beef we offer, it has zero artificial preservatives, pasture-raised, dry-aged, and never uses hormones, steroids, or antibiotics.

We treat our cattle ethically. When you purchase from us, you know you are getting quality products to buy with confidence knowing that you are getting the best meat we have to offer.