Happy New Year!

How Pickup Locations Work

written by


posted on

May 8, 2020

Common Questions

What is a pickup location?

Pickup Locations are simply places where we meet you with your order. Common locations are parking lots. 

How do pickup days work?

Arrive at the pickup location at your scheduled time. You will be greeted by us. Provide the name on your order and you’re all set.

What should I bring on pickup day?

We don’t require anything at this time. Your order comes in a bag all ready for you. 

How is my order packaged?

All meat items come individually packaged and frozen. Your items will always be packed in bags for your convenience.

How do I add to my current order?

You can simply login anytime before your upcoming deadline and add to an existing order. Deadlines are usually 2-3 days before the pickup so we have time to pack your order. 

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit/debit cards or the exact amount of your packed order in cash or check. If you entered a card when you created your account I will charge that if you choose “Credit card” during the checkout process.

If you choose “Pay at Pickup” then you’ll have to look for the email saying “your order is packed” for your final amount. Please make checks out to Megan Wilcox for now.

Is there a delivery fee?

No, not for any of the existing locations

Can a friend pick-up my order?

Yes absolutely!ust be sure you give them payment or have an active card on file within your account.

When are the order deadlines?

Most order deadlines are 2-3 days prior to the delivery date. See Pickup locations in the main menu.

Other Need-to-knows:

Order totals are estimated because they are not weighed until we pack them. We don’t charge your card until it has been packed. Please look for the packed email with your adjusted order.

Payment is required at pickup or an active card on file (You choose at checkout how you'd like to pay)

I do NOT have the ability to swipe cards at a pickup location.

Cancelations & missed pickups

Be sure to mark your calendars for your order pickup date and precise scheduled pickup time. As of now, we don’t charge a re-packing fee. Just know our time is valuable and we appreciate you picking up your order on your pickup day. If you can’t make it please try to give us a 24-hour heads up. We’re super easy-going and know life has emergencies. Just call if you can’t make it so we aren’t waiting for you. Thank you!


More often than not this is the truck that will be delivering your orders.


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