Happy New Year!

It Takes A Village

written by

Megan Wilcox

posted on

June 28, 2020

We moved the young pigs to a new pasture, Rob and his dad have done about 1400 round bales of hay, we brought chickens to the processor, met a new processor to potentially do our pork and beef....(oooo this is going to be awesome! I can't wait to introduce some new products to you!), and continue to rotate the beefers through the grass paddocks.

This week certainly has been a full one, but a great one. 

I was just recently asked "how do you do it all?" by one of our customers, and the answer is, I DON'T. And I hope you feel my heart when I say I hope you don't try to do everything too.

Sometimes things are a hot mess around here, projects and to-do lists go untouched, kids are dirty and whining, and it's 9:30 at night, and we gotta make dinner and go to bed to make it through another day.

How we make it through is family.

We are super blessed to have parents right on top of us, and they pull us through and pick up the pieces.

My mom, Ann, watches the kids while I'm off at work or meeting you for a pickup. She makes dinners and often does my dishes more than I do. She’s right there to help move and feed critters and never hesitates to jump in. We would be lost without her! 

My dad, Eric, helps feed critters when it's chore time, and we are off tending to other things. Rosco P Coltrane is his favorite project. He is an orphan steer we are bottle raising and apparently my Dad's best friend. When he hears his voice, he comes running! He also helps with time-consuming projects around the farm like building raised garden beds, brush hogging, and helping fix the walk-in freezer and getting parts.

Rob's Dad Dean is right next to him all day in the field wrapping hay, moving beefers, tending to chickens, and getting tractor parts. He's Rob's right arm and a stage 4 cancer survivor this year. He is an inspiration to me and never missed a day doing chores when we milked cows or a day on the farm, even through his toughest days of Chemo.

Sometimes it takes a village! I wanted you to meet our little village of family and know so much work and tender loving care goes into growing your food.

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