Happy New Year!

Shipping is LIVE! + Winter Pics

written by

Megan Wilcox

posted on

February 7, 2021

We hope you’ve been staying warm and enjoying your family this snow-filled week.  

Even though it’s cold out, life has been busy for us over here.


The beefers seek solace from the wind and stay close to the treelines for shelter.

The laying chickens have been staying in their coop more frequently on these blustery days.  

Even the horses enjoy their time inside when it’s windy out and the snow is blowing sideways. (I took these pictures in those nice moments when it wasn't blowing sideways).

Snow removal to do chores has been the largest chore this week. We seem to get a lot more snow here in Brookfield from what I see in other CNY areas.

We have some fantastic news for those waiting for this announcement for what may seem like forever.


What a journey it has been. Many thanks to covid; a lot was happening at a snail’s pace.

But we are huge believers in everything happens for a reason and all in God’s timing, so it must be better for it to happen this way here and now. 


Rob went and picked all these boxes up. We dealt with local manufacturers for everything. There were 14 pallets of them in total and we have four different box sizes for orders. 

Rob running his trusty skid steer up the hill into the mow. 

Before the boxes went in the haymow. So clean! We thank my mom, Ann, for getting it so clean. She swept it up with the girls while I was at work. 

Beth and the boxes undercover, in the mow, and ready to ship. 

We would like to thank you for your continued support of our small farm.

It truly means the world to us when we see the same faces at our pickups over and over again. 

We love supplying your family with the meat we raise.

There is so much pride in it, and we take it to heart.

It is only because of you that this shipping has been possible. It’s because we have others outside of our scheduled pickups that would like access and a chance to feed their families well too that this came to light. 

Thank you from our hearts!


Around the Farm


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