Happy New Year!

You + Us = Real Change

written by

Megan Wilcox

posted on

January 8, 2021

Happy New Year! 

We pray you had a wonderful holiday season filled with love and gratitude, even if you had to love those special people from afar. 

This time of year, as we all reconnect with what really matters most in our lives, it's natural for us to pause and think about the year and reflect and make changes or resolutions to make this next one better.


That is certainly where my mind has been recently, and while no doubt there have been tremendous challenges to acknowledge in 2020, it's in my nature to share a big highlight.  

First, YOU need to know you are amazing, and your support throughout this first year has been tremendous, and we thank you.

But more importantly, Did you know that you have had a tremendous impact on truly changing our food system and regenerating our land?  

Never has there been more aware that food can be produced healthily for the people who consume it and the land where it was raised.

Never. Period.

In case you missed it, earlier this year, Netflix released the film “Kiss the Ground” that awakened millions of people to the many benefits of regenerative agriculture.

While the film featured celebrities, I was so excited to see the men I learn from, Gabe Brown and Ray Archuleta interviewed extensively throughout the film. 

Gabe and Ray both have impacted our journey in land regeneration and travel the world teaching regenerative farming principles to the larger agriculture community and beyond.

While I know this earth can never be perfect, I believe we are to care for it to the best of our ability, be good stewards, and now we all know a better way. 

In fact, food companies are now turning to regenerative farmers who are leading this movement to get up-to-speed.

Companies like General Mills, Amazon Fresh, Whole Foods, and others are quickly adopting a path to prioritize education and products produced regeneratively. Yes! 

As more "voices" rise, more and more consumers are beginning to understand that the benefits of true regenerative farming go far beyond that of the impacts of organic practices. 

This is very positive news for those of us who wish to see meaningful change in our food system, and this is where I come back to YOU.

While Drover Hill, Gabe and Ray, and other farms across the country are busy producing and educating, it's CONSUMERS who are also contributing to this momentum.

We thank you for your trust and support of our farm, our beliefs, and the food we produce.

If you'd like to get a better idea of the movement you're a part of, I’d highly encourage you to watch the Netflix film Kiss the Ground when you have some downtime. 

In doing so, you'll gain a confident understanding of the far-reaching impacts of regenerative farming.

Thanks so much.

Stay well, Your Farmer, 




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